Healthy Skeptics Newsletter for October 2022 Stephen Cherniske, MS About the author: Stephen Cherniske taught Clinical Nutrition at two Southern California universities and directed the nation’s first FDA-licensed clinical laboratory specializing in nutrition and immunology. Table of Contents I. Pandemic News: A. Four Stages of Infection protocol B. Stephen’s paper on DHEA and Covid […]
Author Archives: Stephen Cherniske
COVID Updates for 02-16-21 We are all learning, and by “we,” I mean thinking people. Lots of intelligent questions from the February newsletter, as well as some important new research. Here are the most common issues. There are now 3 new mutated strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some research suggests that the Moderna and Pfizer […]
COVID=19 UPDATE for April 23rd: 1. We are eagerly watching for preliminary data from The University of WA’s clinical trial of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) + azithromycin. Unlike two other studies, including a study of Veterans Administration hospitals, the UW study will give a low dose to newly diagnosed individuals and their close contacts, looking for an […]
COVID-19 Update for Wednesday March 25 About the author: I taught university Clinical Nutrition and directed the nation’s first FDA-licensed clinical lab specializing in nutrition and immunology. My wife is a board-certified physician, Medical Director of Advanced Family Wellness in Olympia WA. She works every day to keep as many people as possible out of […]
Here’s the story –> We take feedback very seriously, especially from our influencers; which with KYSO turned out to be athletes and exercisers. People were getting great results, but most athletes needed a bigger serving size; around 6 grams (2 level scoops). In addition, new research showed that a combination of L-Citrulline and L-Citrulline Malate works better […]
After our Friday FaceBook LIVE video, we’ve been flooded with calls, emails and texts. We spent the weekend responding to these issues, helping people make important decisions and exploring ways to reduce risk for this terrible virus. Click here to view our video on COVID-19 prevention.
Coronavirus Update, Sunday, March 15. The latest numbers for Washington state are 645 cases and 40 deaths. This increase was expected, and so far is manageable. That doesn’t mean the infection is waning; only that we are not seeing the explosion that was seen in Northern Italy. At the same time, China, South Korea and […]
A word of reason re Covid-19 I just finished a review of case reports from China, Korea and Italy, in order to predict the trajectory of the infection in the US. The good news is that time is on our side, and by that I mean calendar time. This virus loves cold-dry conditions. The situation […]
Immunity Deep Dive Part Two Coronaviruses produce a two-phase infection, and each has to be treated differently. In phase one, the immune system is activated by inflammatory cytokines like IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α. Think of these chemical messengers as a blaring alarm, activating an army of immune cells to fight the invaders . In this […]
Hey, ladies, DHEA is Can-Do in a capsule Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is known as the hormone of resilience to the Navy SEALs and many women who enjoy its benefits. DHEA, made primarily in the adrenal glands and brain, is the body’s most comprehensive repair signal. Our levels are highest during our prime years of life ages […]
Intermittent Fasting (IF) Part III © 2020 Stephen Cherniske, M.Sc. The KickStart Strategy Here is an IF approach that works for just about everyone Enjoy a high-quality dinner, but avoid dessert and eat nothing after 7:00 PM. If you experience a gnawing hunger that might interfere with sleep, have protein; some leftover fish from dinner, […]
The Do’s, Don’ts and Whys of Intermittent Fasting (IF) “Our ancient ancestors, whose bodies we inherited, ate and weighed a good deal less in relation to their size than we do. Over hundreds of thousands of years their desire for food was checked by its scarcity and the effort it took to collect it daily […]
The Healthy Skeptics blog for December 31, 2019 Lots of questions about the Flu Vaccine Reply from Stephen Cherniske I am strongly in favor of vaccines for diseases that are often fatal. I invite anyone who doubts the importance of these vaccines to go live in central Africa, Indonesia, New Guinea, rural China, India or […]
Magnesium 101 (Episode #300) | from The Healthy Skeptics on Vimeo. Minerals 101 Magnesium Inadequate intake is common: (Adult RDA: 400 mg/d) Factors limiting absorption Alcohol abuse Diabetes GI disorders, including Crohn’s, celiac disease, colitis, IBS Medications, most notably: PPI’s like Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix Importance: Magnesium is a cofactor in more than […]
Stem Cell Oral Spray (Episode #299) | The Healthy Skeptics from The Healthy Skeptics on Vimeo.
My2048 BLOG SERIES (Episodde #298) | from The Healthy Skeptics on Vimeo.
Abstract Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a steroid secreted primarily by the adrenal gland and plays an important role as the primary precursor of many important sex steroids. The negative correlation between age and the secretion of DHEA (I) and in its sulfate form (II, DHEA-S) has been documented in human studies. Serum DHEA (I) and/or DHEA-S […]