Natalie Kather, M.D. Stephen Cherniske, MS Contents:1. Start a new habit this year. Intermittent Fasting: Summary article here and FREE e-book offer.2. 2025 Discounts: Good through February 28! 15% off on Timed Release Protein 20% off on KYSO (Knock Your Socks Off) 20% off on MMIS (Multi-Mushroom Immune Support) The Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: […]
What you need to know about AI, your future and your healthStephen Cherniske, MS About the author: Stephen Cherniske is a biochemist specializing in healthy aging. He taughtClinical Nutrition at two southern California universities, directed an FDA licensed clinical labfor nutrition and immunology, and served on the faculty of the American College of Sports Medicine. […]
Stephen usually creates the newsletter, but I wanted to share my experience with you. I hope this finds you in good health and doing well. Today’s update is very personal. Stephen and I had become content with our relaxed “semi-retired” new life, grateful to share all our days together without the worries of running a […]
Science & Wellness Wednesday Stephen Cherniske, M.S. and Dr. Natalie Kather Hosted by Catherine Raymer 06/12/2024Transcription by Susan Magill Table of Contents 01 introduction of Stephen cherniske, M.s and Dr. Natalie Kather, Hosted by catherine raymer 02 Zinzino product overview and science 03 Questions and answers (Q&A) Introduction of Stephen Cherniske M.S, and […]
Healthy Skeptics Newsletter for June / July 2024 By Stephen Cherniske Topics: Website Woes As you might have noticed, has been attacked and is under repair. If you have difficulty ordering, please consider joining our Friends and Family program, in which we keep your credit card in a non-hackable, non-digital file. Orders are placed […]
Healthy Skeptics Newsletter for April, 2024 By Stephen Cherniske “If people knew better, they’d do better.” This is actually an important announcement. All good news. In early March, Natalie and I were asked to review a natural products R&D company out of Sweden called Zinzino. We were impressed by the science, the world-class clinical and […]
Healthy Skeptics Newsletter By Stephen Cherniske “If people knew better, they’d do better.” What you need to know about DHEA and Brain aging. I’m going to try a different approach with this newsletter. Instead of the normal instructional narrative, I want to try a logic path, starting with established facts, then leading to a reasonable hypothesis. […]
Newsletter for October, 2023 Stephen Cherniske Natalie Kather, M.D. New “Geroprotective” drugs. Not ready for Prime Time. The smoking gun in breast cancer recurrence: The take-home lesson is not what you think October Specials: * The Metabolic Plan – Stephen’s 2003 blockbuster – at 50% off […]
Topic GLP-1 drugs for weight loss. Side effects and alternatives Two August product specials 10% off on KYSO pre-workout supplement Buy a 2 pound Timed Release Protein, and get a FREE download of Stephen’s e-book, The Complete Guide to Intermittent Fasting. Topic 1. Rapid weight loss… at what cost? Stephen Cherniske, MS Natalie Kather, MD […]
Healthy Skeptics Update for July 14, 2023 Stephen Cherniske, MS In 2001, my editor at Random House reminded me that I had a contract with them for two more books. “What exciting project are you working on?” she asked. I started telling her about the new genomic equipment that we had just installed, and how […]
Altea Health Sciences / Healthy Skeptics Newsletter May-June, 2023 Stephen Cherniske, MS Natalie Kather, MD Altea NANO CBD is back, better than ever, And ON SALE! à If you’re CBD-savvy, or have been using our previous Nano tincture, you can skip the education, and just enjoy the following: * Our new Nano is back […]
November Newsletter 2022 November is the time to be thankful, a time to remember, and to embrace those who enrich our lives. We are thankful for good health, happiness and loving friends and family. We are most thankful for your support. We hope the Thanksgiving table is full of your favorite food and surrounded by […]
Healthy Skeptics Newsletter for October 2022 Stephen Cherniske, MS About the author: Stephen Cherniske taught Clinical Nutrition at two Southern California universities and directed the nation’s first FDA-licensed clinical laboratory specializing in nutrition and immunology. Table of Contents I. Pandemic News: A. Four Stages of Infection protocol B. Stephen’s paper on DHEA and Covid […]
Healthy Skeptics Newsletter June 2022 NewsletterStephen Cherniske COVID I know, it’s confusing and depressing. Just when you start to feel like things could get back to normal, you see cases rising again in the Northeast and Midwest. Here in Washington, the news is contradictory; fewer hospitalizations but more infections, and lots of people – even […]
Because life is difficult By Stephen Cherniske, M.Sc Quick story. Scott Peck was a colleague and friend. In the mid-1970’s, he was writing a book called The Road Less Traveled, and he would send me chapters for comment. When the manuscript was about to go to the publisher, he asked for one last read-through. My […]
Healthy Skeptics Newsletter January , 2022 Stephen Cherniske The ongoing pandemic has taken a number of turns since the last newsletter. Every day, new and important research is published regarding new variants, the effectiveness of each vaccine, the adverse side effects of vaccines vs COVID disease, government and corporate mandates, and the evolving pathophysiology of […]
Healthy Skeptics Newsletter September 2021Stephen Cherniske Sorry this is late. It seems every day, new and important research is published regarding new variants, the effectiveness of each vaccine, the adverse side effects of vaccines vs COVID disease, government and corporate mandates, the evolving pathophysiology of the virus and the ever-deepening rift between pro and anti-vaxers, […]
X•Altea FAQ’s What are the ingredients in X•Altea? Mind, Mood and Vital Energy: from: * Alpha-ketoglutaric acid * Pyridoxal-5-phosphate * CoQ10 * Inositol X-Altea: Vital Energy and Cell Renewal Cardiovascular support from: * D-Ribose * Organic beet concentrate * L-Arginine * Aronia concentrate Antioxidant / anti-inflammation from Altea’s best-in-the-industry superfruit concentrate. * Aronia * Amla […]
July 2021 Newsletter By Stephen Cherniske, M.S. Please sign up for our Newsletter COVID-19 update Lessons from the past Vaccine perspective: News you need Therapeutics update Ivermectin B Herd and personal immunity III. Altea Health Sciences Philosophy and mission Research and product development Product News MMIS in canisters only Timed-Release Protein and Intermittent Fasting […]
FAQ’s related to starting DHEA supplementation Q: Do I need to have my DHEA level tested before starting to supplement? A: First of all, the information you want is your serum DHEA sulfate, abbreviated DHEAS. This is the stable storage form of DHEA. Free DHEA is also testable, but is mainly used in endocrine research. […]
Healthy Skeptics News you can use April 9, 2021 Natalie Kather, M.D & Stephen Cherniske A large scale review of more than 93,000 specimens at the University of Chicago measured CBD effectiveness in preventing COVID complications. CBD’s ability to calm an over-reaction by the immune system holds the key to stopping the “cytokine storm.” This adds more evidence to […]
Healthy Skeptics UPDATE for March 21, 2021 Natalie Kather, M.D & Stephen Cherniske Background. We have stated that ending the COVID pandemic does not depend on vaccinating 70% of the world population; that the COVID vaccines are best intended for the vulnerable, including the elderly and those with health issues including: Lung or heart disease (including […]
COVID Updates for 3/9/2021 COVID Update March 9th, 2021 You’ve no doubt read or heard about the FDA’s announcement this morning entitled: Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19You don’t have to read the whole report. The following direct quote says it all:“The FDA has not reviewed data to support use […]
COVID Updates for 02-16-21 We are all learning, and by “we,” I mean thinking people. Lots of intelligent questions from the February newsletter, as well as some important new research. Here are the most common issues. There are now 3 new mutated strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some research suggests that the Moderna and Pfizer […]