Tag Archives: Immunity
COVID UPDATE for July 10
COVID UPDATE for July 10 The quandary of inflexible ideology quan·da·ry kwänd(ə)rē noun A predicament. A state of intellectual paralysis. FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube are filled with warnings of impending doom, but these positions lead to a quandary. Position 1: The COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax, perpetrated by a global conspiracy, using lockdowns, […]
COVID UPDATE for July 3rd, 2020 The quandary of inflexible ideology quan·da·ry kwänd(ə)rē noun A predicament. A state of intellectual paralysis. FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube are filled with warnings of impending doom, but these positions lead to a quandary. Position 1: The COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax, perpetrated by a global conspiracy, using lockdowns, […]
COVID UPDATE for July 1, 2020 Autopsy reports continue to show a problem of abnormal blood clotting. Often hundreds or thousands of mini-clots in the lungs, liver, heart, kidney and brain. Most recently, researchers have pinpointed a causative factor = a dysfunction of platelet-producing cells. Platelet aggregation is the term that describes the formation of […]
COVID-19 UPDATE for June 26th About the author: Stephen Cherniske taught Clinical Nutrition at two southern California universities and directed the first FDA-licensed clinical lab specializing in nutrition and immunology. You can follow him on FaceBook and My2048.com
COVID-19 UPDATE for Thursday June 25th About the author: Stephen Cherniske taught Clinical Nutrition at two southern California universities and directed the first FDA-licensed clinical lab specializing in nutrition and immunology. You can follow him on FaceBook and My2048.com We know that the majority of people infected with the COVID-19 virus have only mild […]
When will this end? There are three possibilities. Best case, this turns out to resemble SARS, a coronavirus pandemic that started somewhere in Asia in 2003. SARS infected only about 8000 people globally and killed “only” 800. Obviously, the virus that causes COVID-19 is far more virulent, infecting over 9.3 million people, and killing – […]
Download The Four Stages of Infection Help Stop Webalony! There’s a quick way to improve social media that we can borrow from scientists. It’s called “demand primary source.” If the post you are reading starts with “They” did / found / discovered… ask the sender to identify exactly who “they” are, and exactly where […]
The Four Stages of Infection Stage 1: EXPOSURE Mucosal Immunity * Zinc: 30 mg/d * DHEA: 15 to 50 mg/d to maintainyouthful serum DHEAS levels Immune Competence: * HVNFD devoid of sugar* Vitamin D: 5,000 to 10,000 iu/d M-F* Medicinal Mushroom concentrates:1-2 g/d. Double at first sign* Selenium: 200 mcg on Sunday* Melatonin: 2-6 mg/before […]
Help Stop Webalony! There’s a quick way to improve social media that we can borrow from scientists. It’s called “demand primary source.” If the post you are reading starts with “They” did / found / discovered… ask the sender to identify exactly who “they” are, and exactly where “they” published their findings. This week, “they” […]
Help Stop Webalony! There’s a quick way to improve social media that we can borrow from scientists. It’s called “demand primary source.” If the post you are reading starts with “They” did / found / discovered… ask the sender to identify exactly who “they” are, and exactly where “they” published their findings. This week, “they” […]
COVID-19 UPDATE for Monday, May 11 News out of South Korea, where the opening of a small number of night clubs in the Itaewon district on Friday was followed by 35 new cases by Monday morning. Similar spikes have been seen in Seattle as the warm weather brought crowds to beaches and parks, and I […]
COVID-19 Update for May 5th About the author: Stephen Cherniske was an adjunct instructor at UCLA (Clinical Nutrition) and directed the nation’s first FDA-licensed clinical lab specializing in nutrition and Immunology. I promised some good news today, and there are two items to celebrate. 1. The first modifiable risk factor analysis has been published. Background: […]
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