November Newsletter 2022
November is the time to be thankful, a time to remember, and to embrace those who enrich our lives.
We are thankful for good health, happiness and loving friends and family. We are most thankful for your support. We hope the Thanksgiving table is full of your favorite food and surrounded by your favorite people. We wish you and your beloved good health and good times. May this be the start of a holiday season filled with love, joy and laughter!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Don’t forget your Healthy Gratitude Pack: Timed Release Protein and Synergized DHEA.
Gratitudology! (The study of gratitude)
More and more research on the chemistry of gratitude points to the role of healthy levels of oxytocin and steroid hormones. Gratitude doesn’t arise out of circumstances alone. Being grateful reflects health, and not just cultural mindset. Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving by looking at how Timed Release Protein and Synergized DHEA support gratitude chemistry.
Many are familiar with the role oxytocin has in the birthing process: the bonding between lovers, the uterine contractions that deliver the infant, the bonding between parent and child, and the breastfeeding. What many don’t know is that oxytocin is one of the hormones created by the heart. When you place your hand over your heart in gratitude, let it remind you that beautiful organ is making oxytocin. Other organs make oxytocin also. The brain makes it in the hypothalamus and releases it from the posterior pituitary gland. Oxytocin is also made in the uterus, placenta, amnion, corpus luteum, epididymis, prostate and testicles. Men and women have equal amounts of brain and plasma oxytocin. Oxytocin is an ancient and important protein, made of only 9 amino acids: cysteine, tyrosine, isoleucine, glycine, asparagine, cysteine, proline, leucine, glycine.
Timed Release Protein provides all of the amino acids needed to make oxytocin. It’s ingredient Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) is the greatest source of cysteine, compared to any other dietary proteins. It’s also a good source of proline, tyrosine, leucine, Isoleucine and provides glycine. The Sacha Inchi adds even more Leucine and Isoleucine.
DHEA supports oxytocin function by being a precursor to estrogens and is a natural stress-reducer. Estrogens stimulate cells to release oxytocin and stimulate the creation of oxytocin receptors on cells. People with low DHEA tend to have a negative mood and don’t handle stressful challenges well. Thus, it’s difficult to be grateful when everything feels overwhelming and doomed. Synergized DHEA has the benefit of providing important nutrients that chaperone the DHEA to make good choices in its conversion. Diindolylmethane (DIM) guides it to make healthy estrogens and promote good skeletal muscle function. Alpha lipoic acid is important for adding to the brain and nerve health that DHEA provides. Chaste tree berry extract helps reduce hot flashes for women that may also have progesterone and estrogen deficiencies.
A note on prices. No doubt, you have noticed the increasing cost for nearly all forms of protein. We have always used only grass-fed, hormone-free Whey Protein Isolate from premium US suppliers. Many other companies were using inexpensive dairy proteins from China and India. When these supply chains were disrupted, they turned to US suppliers, causing skyrocketing price increases. We have held our prices on Timed Release Protein since launching the product in 2019, but will have to make adjustments in January or February. Hint: Now is the time to stock up. To assist, we are making a 2 pound (930g) package available. This is 30 servings, each providing 26 g of protein. Gram for gram, not even Costco can beat that.
You can still order the 558g container for $39.95 retail / $34.95 Member
And now, a 930g container for $65 retail / $58.00 Member
Regarding Synergized DHEA, most of you know that we’ve held that price since launching the product in 2018. But again, our costs for every ingredient have increased, as well as the freight to obtain those materials, forcing a price increase in Q1, 2023. Since the exp date on the current lot is March of 2025, stocking up now makes sense.
Synergized DHEA for Men/ Women
Single: $39.95
Two-pack: $65.95
Four-pack $115.00
Laura Klein. (2014). All You Need is Love, Gratitude, and Oxytocin. A new study finds a biological mechanism behind “thank you”—and reveals one way that it bonds couples together. Feb 2014.
Gerald Gimpl and Falk Fahrenholz. (2001). The Oxytocin Receptor System: Structure, Function, and Regulation. Physiological Reviews. April 2001
Stefan H.M. Gorissen, Julie J.R. Crombag, Joan M.G. Senden, W.A. Huub Waterval, Jorgen Bierau, Lex B. Verdijk, and Luc J.C. van Loon. (2018). Protein content and amino acid composition of commercially available plant-based protein isolates. Amino Acids. 2018 Aug 30; 50(12): 1685–1695.
doi: 10.1007/s00726-018-2640-5
Gianna Melillo. (2021). Dr David Yeomans Explains the Interplay of Estrogen, Oxytocin in Menstrual-Related Migraine. December 13, 2021
Frédéric Dutheil, Sarah de Saint Vincent, Bruno Pereira, Jeannot Schmidt, Farès Moustafa, Morteza Charkhabi, Jean-Baptiste Bouillon-Minois, and Maëlys Clinchamps. (2021). DHEA as a Biomarker of Stress: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021; 12: 688367. Published online 2021 Jul 6. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.688367